Assistant Professor | |
H.O.D. & Assistant Professor (Stage 2), Department of Physics
( +919748945022, amittribedi@gmail.com
Research interests:Foundations of QM, Quantum Spin Systems, Quantum Information Theory, Open Quantum Systems Publications:1. I. Bose and A. Tribedi, Phys. Rev. A 72 022314 (2005). 2. A .Tribedi and I. Bose, Phys. Rev. A 74 012314 (2006). 3. A. Tribedi and I. Bose, Phys. Rev. A 75 042304 (2007). 4. A. Tribedi and I. Bose, Phys. Rev. A 77 032307 (2008). 5. A. Tribedi and I. Bose, Phys. Rev. A 79 012331 (2009).
6. Book chapter titled Signatures of Quantum Phase Transitions via Quantum Information Theoretic Measures in the book Quantum Quenching, Annealing and Computation, Lecture Notes in Physics , Volume 802, 2010, Pages 177-200, Springer-Verlag.
8. A. Tribedi, J. Sci. Res. Phys. Math. Sci. Vol. 4 Issue (1) (2017) ISSN: 2349-7149 11. A Comparative Study of Quantum Correlation Measures in an AF Critical Spin System with Next-Nearest-Neighbour Interaction, Amit Tribedi, IJIRMPS Volume 10, Issue 6, November-December 2022.
12. Pairwise Entanglement in the Thermal State of a linear 4-spin Plaquette with Exchange Inhomogeneity, IJCRT , Volume 10, Issue 12 December 2022.
14. Changing Entanglement Structures In A Frustrated Tetrameric Spin System With An ‘entanglement Transition’ Point, Journal of Basic Sciences, Volume 22 Issue 12, 2022.
Other Publications:
1. Monotone BrriShtir Gaan (2013), Sristisukh Prakashani (anthology)
Paper Presentations:1. Spin-1/2 Heisenberg ladder: Variation of entanglement and fidelity measures close to quantum critical points presented in an International Conference Emergence of New States of Matter in Magnetic Systems and Beyond in ICTP, Trieste, Italy on 5 to 9 July, 2010.
2. Quantum Correlations in Molecular Magnets presented in an International Conference Molecular Quantum Mechanics Congress held in Lugano, Switzerland on June 2-7, 2013 .
3. Quantum Correlations in a Critical Spin System with NNN Interactions presented in an International Conference Quantum Correlations beyond Entanglement in Bad Honnef, Germany on 13 -15 April, 2015.
4. Quantum Correlations in Molecular Trimers and Wheels presented in an International Conference Molecular Quantum Mechanics Congress in Uppsala, Sweden on 27th June- 1st July, 2016.
5. Behaviour and survival of 'Quantum-ness' in realizable frustrated Möbius wheels presented in Quantum Technology International Conference 2018 in Paris, France on 5th September- 7th September, 2018.
Research Projects:
1. Minor Research Project titled “PROBING QUANTUM SYSTEMS USING QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORETIC MEASURES: A NOVEL REALM OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS WITH REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS” funded by the University Grants Commission (2014-16). Participation in Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Outreach Programmes, Discussions etc without paper presentation:
Orientation Program (OP), Refresher Course (RC), Short Term Courses (STC) Attended:
Invited Talks:1. Invited talk titled "Quantum Weirdness" at the Department of Physics, Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College, Kolkata (2015) |
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